This event is free and only for residents of Lucas, Marion, Monroe and Poweshiek counties. Waste from schools & businesses, including farms, will NOT be accepted without prior approval.
Service provided by South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency. Call (641) 828-8545 with questions.
- Aerosol cleaners, paints
- Ammonia-based cleaners
- Antifreeze
- Batteries (only rechargeable)
- Fertilizers
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs)
- Oil-based and lead-based paints
- Stains, Varnishes
- Metal polishes, rust removers
- Thermometers (mercury)
- Thermostats (mercury)
- Pesticides
- Petroleum adhesives
- Used oil filters
- Sharps or needles (must be contained) Must be contained in detergent bottles or sharps containers (not milk jugs or pop bottles). Lids must also be taped.
- Ammunition
- Asbestos
- Electronics
- Explosives
- Fire extinguishers
- Latex paint
- Medications
- Propane tanks, cylinders
- Radioactive materials