Used oil filters must be hot-drained for 24 hrs prior to disposal in your regular garbage.
Waste oil cannot be landfilled. Recycle waste oil at no charge at the following locations:
SCISWA Landfill
1736 Hwy T-17
Tracy, IA 50256
Also accepts oil filters.
Poweshiek Transfer Station
8 miles east of Grinnell on Hwy 6 & 63
Also accepts oil filters.
Grinnell Public Services Department: 1411 1st Avenue Grinnell, IA 50112
For city customers only, leave in original or clear container.
Retail stores and businesses that sell oil are required to either accept used oil from customers (either for a fee or for free) or provide information regarding where customers can dispose of it.
Also check with your local O’Reilly Auto Parts store. Many will take used oil in 5-gallon containers.
Used oil for recycling should be clean and not contaminated with antifreeze or water.