Do you have a question that isn’t answered below? Let us know!
Where does my garbage go?
If you live in Lucas, Marion, Monroe, or Poweshiek Counties, your garbage comes to the South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency (SCISWA) Landfill in Tracy, IA, by law. This applies to business waste as well.
Do my taxes go to the landfill?
No. SCISWA is funded completely by tipping fees.
What are tipping fees?
Tipping fees are the amount charged per ton of garbage.
Do you accept credit/debit cards?
The landfill and Poweshiek Transfer Station both accept credit and debit cards.
What materials does the landfill accept?
The landfill accepts regular garbage, construction, and demolition waste. SCISWA also has special recycling programs to take other items that aren’t allowed in the landfill, like household hazardous waste, electronics, appliances, and tires. SCISWA also has a recycling trailer for household recyclables like plastic, paper, etc. To find more information about SCISWA’s recycling programs, visit our recycling section.
Why is recycling important?
Recycling keeps useful materials from going into the landfill. Because tipping fees are based on a per ton amount, this keeps your cost for garbage disposal down. Also, recyclable materials can be made into new items, which prevents virgin materials from being harvested. An example would be paper made from post-consumer material (recycled paper), which keeps new trees from being cut down.
Why are there fees for certain items like appliances and electronic waste?
Appliances and electronic waste have components that can no longer be landfilled with regular garbage. SCISWA pays to have these items hauled to special recyclers for processing and recovery.